the Thoreau Log.
1 March 1847. Boston, Mass.

Henry Williams sends a form letter to Thoreau:

Dear Sir,

  The following inquiries are made agreeably to a vote passed at the Last Annual Meeting of the Class, with a view to obtain authentic information concerning each one of its members, and to enable the Secretary to record facts now easily obtainable, but which, from year to year, it will be more and more difficult to collect.

  You are respectfully requested to answer the questions proposed, as fully as may be convenient and agreeable to you, and to add such other facts concerning your life, before or after entering College, as you are willing to communicate. The answers are to be recorded in the Class Book for future reference.Please to address Henry Williams, Jr. Boston; post paid.

Very Respectfully and Truly Yours,
Henry Williams, Jr., Class Secretary.

  1. When and where were you born?

  2. Where were you fitted for College, and by whom?

  3. If married, when, where, and to whom?

  4. What is your profession? If learned, with whom studied? If mercantile, where and with whom begun?

  5. What are your present employment, and residence?

  6. Mention any general facts of importance before or since graduating.

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 176-177)

Thoreau replies on 30 September.

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