HP Assessed Loop Trail

Improving Access for All


Improving outdoor recreational opportunities for people of all abilities is an important goal for The Walden Woods Project. We are happy to partner with the Town of Concord’s Natural Resources Commission Trails Committee to establish and assess a Handicap Assessed Loop Trail on the Thoreau’s Path on Brister’s Hill and Town Forest land, just north of the intersection of Route 2 and Walden Street in Concord.

Assessed versus Accessible

To be clear, the HP Assessed Trail loop on Brister’s Hill is not an Accessible Trail according to ADA standards. The assessment process provides detailed information about prevailing trail conditions and location and characteristics of obstacles on the trail. Detailed assessment information and maps help people make an informed decision about their abillity to navigate the trail given their own physical abilities and equipment they may use to assist in their mobility.

Assessed Characteristics

The trail assessment provides detailed information on slope, cross-slope, surface conditions, and significant obstacles such as roots and rocks throughout the trail. Information is presented in map form.

Using the Assessed Trail

Two HP parking spaces are located on Walden Street, just north of the intersection with Route 2. The Assessed Loop trail starts at the parking area’s kiosk, which provides trail information and the assessment.

